Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo
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Autoru:  Peca [ 17 Dec 2014, 13:03 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Nista ako me bude zezao nema druge nego i ja na manjacu :) ajde bar da koliko toliko utvrdim sta bi trebao biti problem...

Autoru:  mirdza [ 17 Dec 2014, 13:04 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Za one kojima se da da citaju:

2-stroke oil and diesel

to all interested:
due to the pollution control measures of the EC diesel-oil is nearly sulphur free and contains up to 5% of bio-diesel. Sulphur has the property to grease the high pressure injection pump and the injectors. Without sulphur, the reduced greasing property of the new diesel has already shown negativ impacts on the long-term stability of the injectors and the high pressure pump. The pump manufacturers have tried to react by lining the moving parts of the pumps with teflon or other suitable material. However, the long term stability is still not achieved as with the old (sulphor contained) diesel.
The engine-research centre of a well known German car manufacurer has conducted some long term tests of diesel additives to find out whether any one of them will have an impact on the long term reliability of the diesel engine components. This introduction to explain were my information comes from.
The results of this research: any diesel additive of any manufacturer presently on the market is not worth the money!
BUT: 2-stroke oil, which we use in our motor saws, lawn mower or in 2-stroke motor engines has shown to have an extreme positive impact on diesel engines, if such 2-stroke oil is added to the diesel in a homoeophatic dosis of 1:200. In practical terms: 0,300 litre of 2-stroke oil into the 70l diesel tank. The 2-stroke oil will be absorbed by the diesel (emulsion) and grease every moving part of the high pressure pump and the injectors.
Besides this, the 2-stroke oil will keep the diesel engine clean, as it burnes cleaner as the diesel itself.
In other words, the 2-stroke oil has a much lower ash-content as diesel, when burned. This proven fact delays the DPF (diesel particulate (soot) filter) to clogg, and the "burn free" process of the DPF will be much less.
One more information: in Germany we have to present our cars every 2 years to the TUV -Technical Supervision Organisation - who will check, amongs others, the pollution of petrol and diesel engines.
The measured cloud-factor of a diesel engine without use of 2-stroke oil has been 0,95.
The same factor with the use of 2-stroke oil has been 0,47 - reduction of nearly half of the soot particles.
Besides this, the use of 2-stroke oil in the diesel will increase the milage by 3-5%.

and more :-
You may all know that Mercedes Benz have conducted in 2007 a long distance reliability test with a number of Mercedes E-Class 320 cdi from Paris to Beijing. Due to the fact that the diesel quality in East European Countries, Russia and China does not meet the DIN requirements, and Mercedes did not want to take the risk of their engines to flopp due to lousy fuel, the total tour has been accompanied by diesel tanks to re-fuel the E-Class cdi's. Selected members of the Mercedes clientele could apply to participate in selected parts of this test-tour, and advocats and notaries had to certify the correctness of this long term reliability test.
Although Mercedes does not like it published or made public, it is a fact that the diesel-fuel used for this test did contain 2-stroke oil to grease the high pressure pump components and to keep the engines clean during this marathon.
Why our car manufacturers do not officially allow the homoeophatic addition of 2-stroke oil to the diesel fuel has many reasons, mostly of legal nature. Besides this, which car manufacturer has any interest in excessive reliability of their engines? Their repair shops will have great problems.
Meanwhile the "2-stroke-oil to diesel" issue has attracted the interest of a number of Universities in Germany, as this 2-stroke oil has shown to have amazing poperties if added in a small dosis to diesel fuel (1:200), especially the positive impact on air pollution, reduced fuel consumption and improved long term reliability of the diesel engine. The pro and con discussions will go on for a while. But as soon as an accademic report has been published by one of our Universities, this will change very fast.
By the way: all car manufacturers reject the addition of any fuel "additive" in their cars, and warn that guarantee MAY be affected. Nobody says, that guarantee WILL be rejected. 2-stroke oil in its properties is not an additive, as you add oil to oil if you "dope" you fuel with a dosis of 2-stroke oil. The dosis of 2-stroke oil in your diesel-fuel is very difficult to analyse, as every (chemical) analysis has the main function to identify substances which are harmful. But 2-stroke oil has proven not to be harmful at all, on the contrary!
Personally, I use 2-stroke oil now for many years in all of my diesel cars (my present business car is a Mercedes 320 cdi DPF Automatic). And I never had any problems whatsoever.

Za one kojima se ne da - "dvotaktol" je bolje rjesenje od aditiva, ATF ulja i sl.
Ulja koja su se najbolje pokazala:
- Monzol5C (najbolji ali ga je tesko kupiti)
- Elf Moto 2Hp Eco
- Ravenol Scooter 2T (dobro cisti, ali opterecuje DPF)
- Addinol MZ 406

Obicno se sipa ~1l ulja na 100l goriva.

I jos jedno - 2T ulje nije sveta vodica. Losu naftu nista nece da popravi ;)

Autoru:  <Enter_name> [ 17 Dec 2014, 13:28 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

I sve se svodi na rekla - kazala. Uglavnom, čitajući standard koji mora da zadovolji dizel gorivo (EN 590), spominje se i pojam Lubricity (mjeri se EN ISO 12156-1 metodom) koja je isti za sve revizije EN 590 standarda. Tačno je da se u procesu odstranjivanja sumpora odstanjuje i dobar dio hemije koja utiče na mazljivost (sam sumpor nije mazivo), ali se ona nadoknađuje aditivima. Dakle, sve i jedan dizel koji zadovoljava EN 590 standard mora zadovoljiti minimalnu mazljivost propisanu tim standardom. Revizije tog standarda smanjuju udio sumpora u dizelu (ono što je nama poznato kao Euro 5 dizel je ustvari dizel gorivo koje zadovoljava EN 590:2004), što ne znači da je ono manje mazljivo. E sad, koliko je naše gorivo u skladu sa standardom, to je već druga priča.

Autoru:  <Enter_name> [ 18 Dec 2014, 21:20 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Gledam danas na Eurobenzu, ima ovo:


9.5 KM 250 ml, piše da je za 75 l dizela. Jeste skuplje nego 2T ulje, al bih radije sipao ovo nego njega...

Autoru:  Kasparrow [ 18 Dec 2014, 22:00 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Drugar je imao problem u vidu nemirnog rada na leru,znaci varirali obrtaji recimo u razmaku 650-900,u pitanju je 1.9dci renault i nakon gatanja vise majstora jedan kaze da je do dizni i preporuci mu aditiv koji ima na gazprom pumpi(tacan naziv ne znam ali cu ga pitati) kupio,nasuo u pun rez.goriva i nakon par dana voznje obrtaji se doveli u red,e sad koliko ce potrajati videcemo.

Autoru:  ferdinand [ 19 Dec 2014, 20:31 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Vozim astru novu 2011 god. Evo nakon 130000km je pocela da bude bucna i cekica malo. Moze li ty aditiv sta?

Autoru:  <Enter_name> [ 19 Dec 2014, 20:36 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

To je Opel, nema njemu pomoći :lol: Šalu na stranu, ne može škoditi, al nema neke garancije ni da će pomoći... ljudi kažu da im motor radi generalno mirnije kad naspu aditiv. E sad, dal je to psiha il realnost - ne bi ti znao reći.

Autoru:  ferdinand [ 25 Dec 2014, 10:45 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Gasprom i nis...jel' to bije isto?

Autoru:  ferdinand [ 29 Dec 2014, 20:48 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

E omv u srbiji uzeo Wynn’s aditiv za ciscenje CR dizni. Nakon potrosenog reErvoara auto radi daleko tise i mirnije je na leru.

Autoru:  Piro [ 29 Dec 2014, 20:50 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Mislim da je to subjektivan osjecaj :)

Autoru:  ferdinand [ 29 Dec 2014, 20:57 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Nije vjeruj ovaj put. Varirali su obryaji u leru ato se bas osjecalo. Sada nista

Autoru:  <Enter_name> [ 29 Dec 2014, 22:35 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Dodavanje aditiva ili "ulja" u gorivo

Nije nemoguće. Kad je meni radio tiše sa drugim gorivom, zašto aditiv ne bi mogao napraviti neku, sitnu razliku? Uostalom, kao što ni motorno ulje nije čisto bazno ulje, tako ni dizel nije čista nafta, dodaju se aditivi koji utiču na samo "ponašanje" goriva. Pri tom ne pričam o ovom aditivu koji se naknadno sipa (kao ovaj), nego se dodaje prilikom proizvodnje dizela.

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