Google Chrome
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Autoru:  mRCINa [ 15 Dec 2016, 12:43 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

ctrl + + ili ctrl + - ili ctrl + tocic na misu
ostale precice su
Open a new window Ctrl + n
Open a new window in Incognito mode Ctrl + Shift + n
Open a new tab, and jump to it Ctrl + t
Reopen the last closed tab, and jump to it Ctrl + Shift + t
Jump to the next open tab Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
Jump to the previous open tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp
Jump to a specific tab Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8
Jump to the last tab Ctrl + 9
Open your home page in the current tab Alt + Home
Open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab Alt + Left arrow
Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab Alt + Right arrow
Close the current tab Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4
Close all open tabs and the browser Ctrl + Shift + w
Minimize the current window Alt + Space + n
Maximize the current window Alt + Space + x
Close the current window Alt + F4
Quit Google Chrome Ctrl + Shift + q
Open the Menu Menu Alt + f or Alt + e or F10
Show or hide the Bookmarks bar Ctrl + Shift + b
Open the Bookmarks Manager Ctrl + Shift + o
Open the History page in a new tab Ctrl + h
Open the Downloads page in a new tab Ctrl + j
Open the Chrome Task Manager Shift + Esc
Set focus on the first item in the Chrome toolbar Shift + Alt + t
Switch focus forward between the Address bar, Bookmarks bar (if showing), and page content F6
Switch focus backward between the Address bar, Bookmarks bar (if showing), and page content Shift + F6
Open the Find Bar to search the current page Ctrl + f or F3
Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search Ctrl + g
Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search Ctrl + Shift + g
Open Developer Tools Ctrl + Shift + j or F12
Open the Clear Browsing Data options Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Open the Chrome Help Center in a new tab F1
Log in a different user or go Incognito Ctrl + Shift + m
Open a feedback form Ctrl + Shift + i
Search with your default search engine Type a search term + Enter
Search using a different search engine Type a search engine name + Tab
Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in the current tab Type a site name + Ctrl + Enter
Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in a new tab Type a site name + Alt + Enter
Jump to the Address Bar Ctrl + l or Alt + d or F6
Search from anywhere on the page Ctrl + k or Ctrl + e
Open options to print the current page Ctrl + p
Open options to save the current page Ctrl + s
Reload the current page F5 or Ctrl + r
Reload the current page, ignoring cached content Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + r
Stop the page loading Esc
Browse clickable items moving forward Tab
Browse clickable items moving backward Shift + Tab
Open a file from your computer in Chrome Ctrl + o + Select a file
Display non-editable HTML source code for the current page Ctrl + u
Save your current webpage as a bookmark Ctrl + d
Save all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder Ctrl + Shift + d
Turn full-screen mode on or off F11
Make everything on the page bigger Ctrl and +
Make everything on the page smaller Ctrl and -
Return everything on the page to default size Ctrl + 0
Scroll down a webpage, a screen at a time Space or PgDn
Scroll up a webpage, a screen at a time Shift + Space or PgUp
Go to the top of the page Home
Go to the bottom of the page End
Scroll horizontally on the page Shift + Scroll your mousewheel
Move your cursor to the front of the previous word in a text field Ctrl + Left arrow
Move your cursor to the back of the next word in a text field Ctrl + Right arrow
Delete the previous word in a text field Ctrl + Backspace
Move focus to a notification Alt + n
Allow within a notification Alt + Shift + a
Deny within a notification Alt + Shift + d
Open the Home page in the current tab Alt + Home
Open a link in a current tab (mouse only) Drag a link to a tab
Open a link in new background tab Ctrl + Click a link
Open a link, and jump to it Ctrl + Shift + Click a link
Open a link, and jump to it (mouse only) Drag a link to a blank area of the tab strip
Open a link in a new window Shift + Click a link
Open a tab in a new window (mouse only) Drag the tab out of the tab strip
Move a tab to a current window (mouse only) Drag the tab into an existing window
Return a tab to its original position Press Esc while dragging
Save the current webpage as a bookmark Drag the web address to the Bookmarks Bar
Download the target of a link Alt + Click a link
Display your browsing history Right-click Back Back or Next Next, or click & hold Back Back or Next Next
Maximize or minimize the window Double-click a blank area of the tab strip
Make everything on the page bigger Ctrl + Scroll your mousewheel up
Make everything on the page smaller Ctrl + Scroll your mousewheel down

Autoru:  FLASH [ 15 Dec 2016, 17:31 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Odnosno... Ctrl + 0, za reset.

Autoru:  The_new_Statesman [ 15 Dec 2016, 17:55 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

E jbg, sjetio se cim sam pitao :D Senilno, stas :D

Autoru:  The_new_Statesman [ 27 Jan 2017, 09:17 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

A sto chrome skakuce kada prelazim kursorom preko linkova? Npr. na forumu.

Autoru:  supermanijak [ 25 Avg 2017, 13:04 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Da li se nekome desava da vas antivirus upozorava o sertifikatu neke stranice kada pristupate preko chrome? U zadnje vrijeme mi dosta cesto nod pokazuje upozorenje da sertifikat neke stranice nije validan, uglavnom da je istekao.
To mi nije bilo dosad nikad. Da li je stvarno to ili je moj komp nesto pobrkao?

Autoru:  Castra [ 25 Avg 2017, 13:09 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Moguće je, zavisi od stranice. Ako je neka popularna stranica, ne bi trebalo da dozvole da im certifikat istekne...

Autoru:  danijell [ 25 Avg 2017, 13:14 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Možda je do antivirusnog programa. Isključiš u opcijama da antivirusni program skenira SSL konekcije. I ono klasično, prvo provjeri datum na računaru :)

Autoru:  supermanijak [ 25 Avg 2017, 13:53 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Ipak je do stranice, sad sam probao otvoriti istu preko mozille i dobio sam upozorenje. Neka skenira, svakako ne posjecujem bilo kakve stranice. Ja sam samo mislio da je do chrome nesto.

Autoru:  supermanijak [ 18 Okt 2017, 10:32 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Kako na verziji 62 uraditi export sacuvanih sifri (password-a)? Zadnji put sam imao neku stariju verziju i kad odem tamo na "manage saved password", bila je opcija export. Sada to nema. Kako to sad ide?

Autoru:  nikola29_06 [ 18 Okt 2017, 12:33 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

supermanijak je napisao:
Kako na verziji 62 uraditi export sacuvanih sifri (password-a)? Zadnji put sam imao neku stariju verziju i kad odem tamo na "manage saved password", bila je opcija export. Sada to nema. Kako to sad ide?

Google je uklonio opciju za export šifri u verziji 61. Možeš koristiti besplatni program ChromePass za export šifri.

Autoru:  munja.alex [ 18 Okt 2017, 18:04 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

A možeš se i sinhronizovati sa google tj gmail nalogom zbog backup-a svega. Radi odlično.

Autoru:  StigoStriko [ 09 Maj 2018, 19:10 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Postoji li mogucnost da na pocetnoj strani kad se pokrene chrome ima vise od onih osam
precica web adresa ispod google pretrage?

Autoru:  Piro [ 10 Maj 2018, 17:54 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

StigoStriko je napisao:
Postoji li mogucnost da na pocetnoj strani kad se pokrene chrome ima vise od onih osam
precica web adresa ispod google pretrage?

Ovako nesto: ... nmcg?hl=en

Autoru:  StigoStriko [ 18 Maj 2018, 05:20 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Uzeo ovo: ... ebpa?hl=en

Autoru:  cicak [ 22 Maj 2018, 11:15 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Gmail mi je izgubio LogOut/SignOut opciju. Ne radi ni sa jednim browserom.
Opcije? (pišu da je bug, no ima li kakvo brze rješenje osim alternativnih tipa - open in new tab pa Sign Out)

Autoru:  Milan [ 11 Dec 2018, 19:25 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome


Autoru:  Milan [ 13 Jul 2019, 13:08 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

da li je neko probao brave browser?...ubi me reklamama na fb...

Autoru:  Milan [ 07 Avg 2019, 05:59 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Da ne otvaram novu temu...koristi li iko od vas neki novi browser, zove se brave??

....vidim iskacu reklame na FB nenormalno pa reko da skinem....

Autoru:  dadotb [ 07 Avg 2019, 07:24 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

vec si pitao , 2x pitas a nema odgovora, ocito niko ne koristi

Sent from my Nokia 7 plus using Tapatalk

Autoru:  nikola29_06 [ 07 Avg 2019, 08:31 ]
Tema posta:  Re: Google Chrome

Jos jedan Chromium pretrazivac kojeg je uhvatio hype, nista posebno

Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk

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